Today, we are excited to introduce you to Faith. Faith has been part of the HEGG family for one year now, serving as our Brand Experience Manager, and has been a team player since the start, making waves and impacts across our people and teams. She was also recently nominated for not one, but two, HEGGY awards for…
- Creating Memorable Experiences: Providing interactions that align with HEGG values that are impactful, worth remembering, & positive.
- Building Community: Developing purposeful relationships that align with the HEGG Values which enhance & build our company culture & the communities in which we live.

If you know Faith, you know both of those categories sum up her and the role she serves every day, perfectly. As the Brand Experience Manager, she spends time with employees across the board, getting to know each one and helping teams grow, and ensuring everyone is supported.
In addition to her managerial role, Faith isn’t afraid to step up and help when needed. This last year, when our housekeeping teams needed help, Faith was there, ready to learn from them. From making beds to cleaning bathrooms, Faith has gained valuable insights by working with different teams, and now applies that to her everyday role, by finding different ways to support all teams.
When we asked Faith about the best part of working for HEGG, she said “getting to know different people from all over the company, discovering what motivates them, and appreciating their diverse backgrounds. “It is always inspiring to be in the presence of such a variety of cultures and lifestyles”. We are so thankful for team members like Faith, who help drive the HEGG mission and help others grow. Thank you for all that you do, Faith!